1. A Well Understanding Physician

The top thing that every patient expects from their physician is to be well-understanding, compassionate and the one who knows how to communicate with the patients. Obviously, a patient cannot just walk into the room, sit down and start telling everything on their own, they expect some efforts, interest, questioning, and explanation from the doctor as well. They want a doctor who cares for them, be kind to them and engage with them completely while having a conversation.
2. Ask Questions
When a doctor asks relevant questions with the patients, it makes them believe that their doctor is actually into the conversation and wants to solve the problem. Every patient has higher expectations from their doctors to be questioning enough about their condition and symptoms.
3. Build an Eye-Contact

The communication that is done face to face and with proper eye contact is generally the most effective. As the technology has taken over the whole world nowadays, many doctors listen to their patients while staring at their computer/tablet screen or at the notes or files. However, a doctor should know the power of an appropriate eye-contact because it ensures the patient that you are interested in what they are trying to explain.
4. Give Them Enough Time

Doctors who rush the appointment sessions to finish their tasks as soon as possible always tend to lose their patients because every patient wants to spend enough time so that they can talk about everything that they need to with the doctor. However, without any doubt, time is extremely valuable, and it is not possible to give hours to a single patient. The point here is that you should never rush an appointment but let the patient talk peacefully about everything. This is a huge wish of almost every patient that, they want to spend more time with their doctors to clear every single thing in their heads.
5. An Undistracted Doctor
Distractions such as a computer, cell phones, looking somewhere else than the patient, clicking and not paying close attention are the things that can easily turn off any patient because seriously, who would want to share their health conditions with the one who is not even least bothered about it. Patients want the physicians to leave everything and pay all their attention just to what they are trying to tell them.
6. Avoid Medical Jargons
As a healthcare expert, you would definitely know every single medical jargon, but you should also know that not everyone knows and understands them. When doctors use too many medical terms in a conversation, the patient finds it awkward to ask the meaning of every other jargon used. Patients want doctors to use common words that they can understand without any difficulty.
7. Be Their Partner
Nobody’s words and support can comfort the patients as much as of a doctor do. They want their physician to care, worry and support them as if they are their family or someone really close to them.
8. Medical Data Storage
Patients also want cloud photo storage so that they don’t have to bring every record. For that, a healthcare managed service can be used to provide cloud medical records storage for instant access to patients’ data.